Friday, March 30, 2018

Back 9 Open!

Good news!  The water has receded enough to allow play on the back 9.  Please follow the ropes and plywood to minimize damage to the turf.  At this point, there hasn't been any adverse effects from the high water levels.  We are pretty fortunate as this condition often results in death of the turf.  We are not completely out of danger but the major playing surfaces are.  One step closer to Spring!

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Soft Opening for the Golf Course

Looking at the 7-day forecast, there is finally some hope for Spring.  Starting Sunday night, the lows are above freezing which will get the greens into the "safe to play" range.  Leading up to Sunday night, we will still be encountering some sub-freezing nighttime temperatures.  However, we do plan on opening Friday at 1:00 PM.  This will give the greens a chance to warm up and avoid any damage.  The course will also be available on Saturday and Sunday starting at 1:00 PM.

With this soft opening, the Back 9 will remain closed.  There continues to be significant flooding on the last 4 holes.  The water has receded considerably, however, we are still unable to direct play through here.  We are hoping that the water continues to drop at a quick rate so that we can get back there as well.

Thank you to those of you that have been patient.  Delaying the opening of the course for the benefit of the greens will prove to be beneficial come summer.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Course to Remain Closed Until Weather Turns

It has been a frustrating few weeks while we wait for a break in the weather.  We are as tired of being cooped up as you are.  We ask you to continue your patience a little bit longer.  The 10-day forecast continues to have freezing temperatures as their lows.  This is the main concern at this point.  As the temperatures drop below freezing, the surface freezes every night.  The root system is then at serious risk of being damaged.  We spend all year trying to grow healthy roots.  These could be compromised (sheared) with foot traffic during the freeze/thaw cycle.  According to our soil sensors, the soil profile at a half inch depth does not get above freezing until 2:00 in the afternoon on average.  After a heavier freeze, the soil would remain frozen further down making it even later in the day.

Unfortunately, the course will remain closed through this weekend and until further notice.  We will get the course open as soon as possible.  Thank you for your patience.