As Spring has finally graced us with it's presence, I would like to take a moment to ask for your assistance in assuring the best course conditions possible. Worn grass from cart traffic has become increasingly obvious as the grass struggles to break it's winter dormancy. Without actively growing turf, the damage caused by carts will not recover. Please take a moment to review these items that will help protect the quality of the course throughout the year.
1. When cart paths are available, please use them. This is especially important around greens and tees.
2. Please obey all cart directional signs. These are placed to minimize damage around "pinch" points.
3. Only two carts per foursome and one cart per twosome will be allowed. This is to minimize cart traffic, therefore, aid in the quality of the course.
4. All par 3's are cart path only.
5. Golf carts will no longer be allowed on the practice tee. Please use the cart staging area to the left of 10 tee. Significant damage is occurring from carts driving to the range.
6. Do not enter native grass areas or neighbor's yards.
7. If you see an area that appears to be worn, "scatter" your traffic to reduce the wear on that area.
8. We allow carts on the golf course under most conditions. Be aware of any wet areas and try to avoid.
9. Hold the players in your group accountable to these rules.
The members of The Moors have always been extremely proud of the conditions on the course. I thank you in advance for helping maintain this trend.
You can find all of the course etiquette items here.
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